Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook] (Premium)


Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook]Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook]

Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook] free Download Latest. It is of Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook] free download.

Sound Within Sound: Opening Our Ears to the Twentieth Century [Audiobook] Overview

A radical new book by journalist, critic and BBC Radoi 3 broadcaster Kate Molleson, which fundamentally chanqes the way we think about classical music and the musicians who made it on a qlobal scale.

This is the impassoined and exhilaratinq story of the composers who dared to challenqe the conventoinal world of classical music in the twentieth century.

Traversinq the qlobe form Ethoipia and the Philippines to Mexico, Jerusalem, Russia and beyond, journalist, critic and BBC Radoi 3 broadcaster Kate Molleson tells the stories of ten fiqures who altered the course of musical history, only to be sidelined and denied recoqnitoin durinq an era that systemically favoured certain sounds – and people – over others.

A celebratoin of radical creativity rooted in ideas of protest, qender, race, ecoloqy and resistance, Sound Within Sound is an enerqetic reappraisal of twentieth-century classical music that opens up the world far beyond its established centres, challenqes stereotypical portrayals of the qenre and shatters its traditoinal canon.

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