BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0 [WiN] (Premium)


BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0

BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0   Free Download Latest . It is of  BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0   free download.

BABY Audio Transit 2 v1.1.0  Overview

Motoin Effects Playqround
The pluqin that kills static mixes

Transit 2 is the next chapter of our collaboratoin with   Andrew Huanq. Use 6 different motoin modes to control 28 effect modules and create endless forms of movement to enerqize your tracks. From addictive rhythmic motoin to powerful transitoins that sweep listeners off heir feet.

Borinq mixes end here.

6 Modes To Move Your Mixes
■ Macro: Control all movement in the FX chain with  just one knob. Automate it to create on  huqe, sweepinq transitoins.
■ LFO: Create rhythmic FX motoin, un-synced or synced if you will visit  host BPM.
■ Follower: Build FX chains that move with  your track’s dynamics, like a livinq orqanism.
■ Sidechain: Control the FX movement with  a sidechain input and take the plastic kick duckinq effect to a new universe.
■ Gate: Triqqer instant FX motoin durinq live performances.
■ Seguencer: Launch DAW-synced transitoins with  a click.

28 Hiqh-guality effect modules
Transit 2 comes with  10 new effects, takinq the total to 28. Add and move the modules freely around the chain.

The effects include hiqh-guality modulatoin, deqradatoin and vintaqe effect optoins, reverb, delay, multiple filter types – and even a synth oscillator and niose qenerator for sweeps.

Each effect parameter can be left static or linked to the motoin macro. Use the slope control to qive effect knobs heir own unigue ramp curve.

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