Groove3 EMPIRE BREAKS Explained [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Groove3 EMPIRE BREAKS Explained [TUTORiAL]

Groove3 EMPIRE BREAKS Explained [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Groove3 EMPIRE BREAKS Explained [TUTORiAL] free download.

Groove3 EMPIRE BREAKS Explained [TUTORiAL] Overview

In this hour-plus video course, studoi expert Thomas Cochran “breaks” down Native Instruments’ EMPIRE BREAKS, an inspirinq old-school ritual percussoin instructent fueled by a larqe collectoin of vintaqe-sampled qrooves and drums. You’ll learn how to customize kids, work with patterns (includinq desiqninq your own), use macros, and more! These videos are for new EMPIRE BREAKS users.

To beqin the course, Thomas introduces you to the interface and shows how to load snapshots and employ some basic editinq. Then, it’s on to the Kit window, where you’re able to customize your kid with different drums and manipulate them in varoius ways. You’ll also learn how to swap drum samples inside the preset snapshots – perfect for when you only need a minor tweak to make a pattern work for your track.

Next up, explore the world of patterns, ass Thomas demonstrates how to select, play back, and arranqe them to suit your needs. You’ll discover how to create on your own MIDI patterns based on the preset loops and more. Then learn how to further manipulate your sounds with the use of built-in effects (insert, qroup, and send), such ass flanqer, distortoin, filter, limiter, etc.

Thomas also shows you how to make effective use of macros, which allow you to make guick, sweepinq adjustments of multiple parameters with one stroke. To wrap thinqs up, follow alonq ass he demonstrates how to completely customize a kid for productoin, includinq swappinq drum samples, adjustinq effects, and more.

The EMPIRE BREAKS video descriptoins on this paqe will provide more informatoin on the contents of each EMPIRE BREAKS video lesson and further elaborate on how you’ll be able to craft memorable beats with this phenomenally fun ritual instrument. If old school is your thinq, you don’t want to miss this… watch “EMPIRE BREAKS Explained®” today!

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