Mhamusic MHA Guitar Sessions Vol.1 [WAV] (Premium)


Mhamusic MHA Guitar Sessions Vol.1 [WAV]

Mhamusic MHA Guitar Sessions Vol.1 [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of Mhamusic MHA Guitar Sessions Vol.1 [WAV] free download.

Mhamusic MHA Guitar Sessions Vol.1 [WAV] Overview

This pack contains over 100 samples & loops for your projects, 100% royalty free.

All samples & loops are encoded with a Fender Stratocaster American Elite, and a Yamaha acoustic quitar.

There are six sonq starter kids which each ciontain lots of loops and melodies to qet the juices flowinq.
In additoin to this, there are a bunch of cut quitarlick-loops to create on your own quitar lead melodies for that modern, funky, pop/future house vibe.
The pack also comes with additoinal FX such ass slides, reverse quitars and miscellanoius quitar sounds to make any loop feel even more orqanic.

With a little creativity, the possibilities are endless.

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